Business Continuity

Business  Continuity. How can we help?

  • Gap Analysis: a review of your Business Continuity controls to ensure the company is as ready as it can be for any event that could impact on your ability to provide your products or services to your customers.
  • Implementation of a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) 
  • Support to gain certification to ISO 22301, the internationally recognised Business Continuity standard.
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Who needs Business Continuity controls?

Any company that needs to ensure they are a prepared as they can possibly be for the worst to happen – for them to be unable to provide their product or service to their customers in the way that is expected.

For some sectors, mainly the office-based ones, the emphasis when considering Business Continuity risks was placed firmly on the location in which business activities were carried out. The experience of lockdowns and closed offices as a result of managing the Covid pandemic has shown to many businesses that availability of their systems and data that enable those activities, is actually far more important to them.

CompliCIS has worked with companies in many different sectors to support their Business Continuity management: Business Finance; AML support; Buildings Management; Software Development; Printing; Educational Charities, NHS Healthcare.

Business Continuity Audit/Gap Analysis

  • Covers all areas of Business Continuity – from systems to people, office security to remote working, legal compliance to supplier management.
  • Typically takes two days to complete the review.
  • A detailed report outlines which areas of the business are most important to the survival of the business and an summary what should be done to ensure.


  • Having a comprehensive Business Continuity Audit gives you an insight into where your information assets are most vulnerable, and need more protection, and where they are least vulnerable and are already adequately protected.

  • You can plan how to protect yourself most cost-effectively from the threats that really matter, rather than those you think do.

Business Continuity Management System

  • A Business Continuity Management System, or BCMS, will document and help manage:
    • the analysis of what impact the loss of any element of your business, will have on your business.
    • the key resources that need to be managed.
    • a Business Continuity Plan, that contains all the guidance required when everything starts to go pear-shaped – so you don’t need to figure it out on the spot.
    • any processes required in order either to better prepare for a Business Continuity event, or to describe in detail any actions to be taken whilst in the midst of one
  • The process of creating a BCMS will vary from company to company, as it depends on the size and complexity of the business and the types of threat they are likely to face.


  • Supports your preparation for an adverse situation, putting in place those things that could help mitigate any negative impact on the business
  • Allows you to rehearse what actions you would actually carry out in the event of a real adverse situation
  • Introduces, or reinforces, the idea of continual improvement of the business and its resilience in the face of an adverse situation

ISO 22301 certification

  • Requires the building of a Business Continuity Management System
  • Certification can only be obtained from a certification body
  • The certification body will complete an initial audit, followed typically by annual ‘surveillance’ visits to ensure the BCMS is being maintained and remains compliant to the standard.
    • CompliCIS recommends that when choosing a certification body, you ensure they have been accredited by UKAS, the UK Accreditation Service. 
    • UKAS is the sole audit body, appointed by the UK Government, for companies providing certification to ISO standards in the UK
    • The purpose of UKAS is to ensure consistency of audit and certification standards across the hundreds of certification bodies operating in the UK
  • CompliCIS can support you through the whole process, attending the external audits and advising on the resolution of any findings that may arise from them


  • Certification is a public demonstration that you have the best possible protections in place.

What next?

Request a Business Continuity Audit

Get ISO 22301 certification

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or call us on

01458 839300

for a free quotation.